Oakley's new parents have really fallen for him! |
Wow, this month has been just amazing for FOPCP. First, we received two grants which has allowed us to start
PALS, a Spay & Neuter program for low-income families. We encourage ANYONE who needs their pets altered but cannot because they are in financial need...PLEASE apply for PALS financial assistance. We need to get the animal over-population under control in Powell County.
Second, we have broken our own rescue record in one month! In October, FOPCP has intercepted 51 animals! This success is partly due to the fact that we have a new foster family helping us (AND WE CAN ALWAYS USE MORE FOSTER FAMILIES!). Plus, our transports have increased dramatically. During our last transport, we moved 32 dogs to no-kill shelters in the northeastern United States! It's a great start, but there is still much more that we need to do.
I'm raking in the love from my new forever family! |
And on top of all that, we have had quite a few adoptions! Oakley was adopted, and as you can see by his cute photos, he's really enjoying the fall weather.
Rio was just adopted! How can you resist that face??? Rio is such a sweetie, and his new family is thrilled to welcome him into their home.
Adelle, the perfect dog, was adopted by a rescue foster family in New Jersey. Adelle has been renamed "Wink," because she only has one eye. She's got a wonderful new family, and we couldn't be happier for her!
Beautiful Renelle has a new home in North Carolina! Autumn Chandler transported her this weekend! Thank you so much for your help!
LT was adopted! LT's owner passed away, and he had been searching for a family for quite some time. A relative of his owner fell in love with him, and now he's got a forever family!
Siblings Jacey and Jazzy found new homes! What a couple of cuties!!!
Scarlett was also adopted. What a precious face!
And Crystal, one of the kitties fostered at Dr. Brammel's office, has found a forever home. These are just a few adoptions. But as long as there are still homeless animals, we're gonna keep finding them homes. We thank everyone for your support! We could not have had this much success without the support from our beloved community and friends!