Introducing cats to your barn is an effective solution to eliminate the threat of these rodents. In a rural community like Powell County, there are many barns. Likewise, there are MANY cats looking for homes.
Khristie Everman’s farm is home to many horses, goats, and even a llama! They regularly use the barn as shelter, so Khristie adopted cats from the Powell County Animal Shelter to stand guard of her livestock. The cats get shelter, food, water, interaction, a place to exercise, fresh air, and a full-time job. These barn kitties are thrilled to be out of the pound, and welcome their new life on the farm. And their daily duties as pest control for the farm is greatly appreciated.
If you have a barn on your property, please consider giving a homeless cat from the pound a chance at a better life. But before you adopt, it is important to spay or neuter. Plus, be sure that the cats are up to date on vaccinations. If they are excellent mousers, they may require occasional worming to stay strong and healthy. However, barn cats amazingly adaptable and independent, and usually remain healthy if provided with high quality food and clean water.
Contact us if you would like to adopt some cats for your barn, or kitties for your house!
Khristie saved 6 lives on this day! Yahoo, for the kitties! You know they are loving the fresh air and open spaces. They look content. THANK YOU, Khrisite!