We started out our blog detailing some of our accomplishments. However, we fight an ongoing battle. Right now, more animals are coming into the pound than are leaving. If too many animals are there, the ones who have been there the longest will be euthanized. How can you help?
1.) Don't breed! Spay and neuter your animals.
2.) Don't buy from breeders! Any pure-bred dog can be rescued, and mixed breeds are often healthier.
3.) Spread the word! A lot of people just don't understand the importance of spaying, neutering, and adopting. Many think that animals in rescue are bad. Shockingly, a lot of people don't think that kill shelters actually kill animals.
4.) Be a foster. A superb endorsement for fostering was left as a comment on our inaugural post:
People tell me that they could NEVER foster dogs or cats because they would become so attached to these animals that they wouldn't be able to let them go into another home for permanent adoption.I have to say that there have been times when I have cried all the way home after sending a special one off to a rescue.I wouldn't be human if I didn't get emotionally attached to these wonderful and very grateful dogs.I also know that if I didn't get that dog or cat out of the pound,the chances of it being placed in a forever home is anyone's guess.By me taking this animal into my home,getting it the medical attention it needs and finally finding a permanent,loving home for it,then I have made a difference in the life of this animal.If I chose to keep it,I wouldn't be able to go get another one out,and save it. This "THING" that we foster parents do is extremely hard on our emotions,but when we get an e-mail and photos from the new parents telling us how loved and wanted their new pet is,we know it was worth it.
If I take an animal out of the pound to foster and we can not find a home for it,I know that it will NEVER go back to the pound again.I know that it will NEVER have another litter or help produce another unwanted litter again. I know from the minute I take this homeless, unwanted animal into my life,that it will be loved and treated with dignity and respect.
One person can make the difference in the life of one animal.I have made the difference in the lives of hundreds of animals.The Friends of Powell County's Pets have made the difference in the lives of thousands of animals.I am so proud to belong to this small but mighty group of people.And even though my three dogs sleeping on the bed in the spare room can't talk,I'm pretty sure they are glad that I am a volunteer too.My husband refers to them as "Failed Fosters" They just know they are loved!
Ask us about our Kroger Fundraiser! |
5.) Be a volunteer driver. The lucky animals who go to rescues in other states have to make road trips. Our volunteer drivers make these possible. Occasionally, we also need volunteers to transport animals locally for vetting.
6.) Participate in our Kroger card program! The more money we make, the more animals we can help. Not only will you help the animals, you will simplify your grocery shopping!
7.) Write or talk to your legislators! Kentucky is known as one of the best havens for animal abusers. It's disgraceful. Other states have managed to have shelters with waiting lists. Let's be a leader among our neighbors!
If you want to know more, email us at info@fopcp.com or fopcpky@gmail.com